Credit Score Basics Everyone Should Know

A credit score, also known as a FICO score, is a very important number that says a lot about an individual. It effects the ability to secure loans and credit, the interest rate that lenders will charge....

Tips for a Healthy Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the most critical 3 digit numbers in your financial life. It is the number that most financial institutions use to determine your credit worthiness, your buying power, your ability to pay back loans, and more...

Can Paying Your Bills Hurt Your Credit Score?

Paying the bills often hurts our wallets; but did you know paying the bills can also hurt your credit score sometimes? ...

Dos and Don'ts of Credit Repair

Repairing your credit can be easy, but it definitely won't be a quick fix. The best part is that you can do it yourself! ...

How Is My Credit Score Calculated?

You have seen all the commercial ads on television on the importance of knowing your credit score and staying on top of it ...

What is a Good Credit Score?

There are many frequently asked questions by people who are not entirely clear as to the significance of a credit score. These people understand that a high credit score is good because it will help them get loan approvals ...

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